Tuesday 10 August 2010

Viaggiare in Italia

Berikut daftar pengeluaran jalan-jalan di Itali:

Itinerary di atas belum termasuk tiga tiket pesawat yang digunakan selama perjalanan. Kesimpulan: jalan-jalan di Itali ngabisin uang razz.

1. Pisa
Kesan pertama liat peta Pisa adalah: kotanya kecil. Bisa ditelusuri bermodalkan jalan kaki dan objek wisatanya pun terkonsentrasi di satu kompleks. Pas liat menara Pisa... hmmm... miring sih miring... tapi ternyata gak setinggi yang dibayangkan.

2. Firenze
Fiorentina ... hmm, yang paling berkesan adalah -menurut teman-teman Rachma- saat memasuki stadionnya yang ternyata gratis, tinggal mencet bel doang, terus dibolehin masuk stadionnya deh mrgreen.

3. Roma
Yang berkesan tentang Roma adalah patung-patungnya yang pada gak pake baju, horor, such a nightmare. Rachma ampe disuruh tutup mata ama temen-temen... weuh, mana patungnya di mana-mana lagi confused.

Eniwei, objek wisata di Roma ini buanyaaaaaak banget, dua hari juga gak cukup. Jadi pastikan kakinya kuat dibawa jalan mrgreen.

4. Venice
Hal paling berkesan di Venice: cuacanya yang panaaaaaaaaas, sekitar 39 C. Saking panasnya, sang keringat pun berhasil mentransfer warna dari baju ke tas kulit kesayangan Rachma... sad.

5. Milan

Yang paling berkesan adalah shopping centernya: Galleria Vittorio Emanuele biggrin.

Yang lainnya... ya standar sightseeing ajah, hehehe...

* kredit gambar bagi para pembawa kamera

Yang perlu diperhatikan:
- bawa sunblock spf tinggi, sunglasses, topi.
- di Itali banyak copet, terutama di sekitaran metro. Copetnya bisa dalam bentuk teteh-teteh cantik atau ibu-ibu tua, atau... yah... pokoknya selain teman grup ... prejudicenya copet kayaknya rolleyes.
- kalau mau pake atm, carilah atm yang bentuknya masih bagus dan meyakinkan, pleus... harus sabar nungguin menu-menunya loading.

Sekian laporan singkat kali ini.

Oh ya, besok mulai shaum, mohon maaf lahir bathin ya... met shaum buat semuanya.

Friday 6 August 2010

In gauze

Sometimes... life is obviously hard, definitely exhausting, and unreasonably complicated. The weather feels colder than usual, and the wind blows too fast. It's raining all day, and that look... it's gloomy as ever. You even forget what a smile looks like. The only feeling left is that tiring whisper far far away in the corner of your heart. Yes, life can be scary sometimes.

But then, you engrave that little magic to yourself: stay strong... stay strong. You struggle yourself suppressing the growing emotion inside. You try so hard to smile. Day by day passes by. And there it is, the emptiness in your heart is growing larger and larger. You let the spirit in you withered. And one day you wake up finding yourself so much in pain.

Then again, you graft another magic to yourself: I'm okay... I'm okay. Every time that confusing emotion burning inside, you tell yourself: it's nothing. You hold that mighty pride of yours so high, to the point that you don't let your inner voice heard. And as expected, the emptiness is much much larger than before. Somehow, you are lost. You start questioning small thing about your existence, your value, your worth. And still, you are in pain.

You know you are not okay. You know you sometimes are not that strong. Yet, you have to present that friendly face of yours. You do want to make people happy. You don't want to let them feeling empty nor in pain like what you are feeling now. You do try your best to be okay. You start building a huge wall covering your heart. You screen a lot of things. You filter a lot of things. And yet, you question yourself: why is the sadness still lingering inside?

You know... once upon a time, there is a little bird whispers ... one thing that can bring warmth to that cold soul is what the human calls as "hope". Fortunately, even a tiny bit of hope can brighten up your day. And hope can be derived from dream. So, do you still have some dreams left? Do you even still dare to dream? Are you even still alive? Or do you still daydream that there will be someone going to fix you?

Ah, good news! There will be. But I think... with that high pride you have, you might want to consider fixing yourself before even meeting that special one you want to cherish. And yes, you are way way cooler when you have your act together.

...that gloomy face of yours vibrates a strange frequency.
It somehow makes my head feels so dizzy.
So please respect yourself by being the best you.
And for what it's worth, please be happy.

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